
Super assignment operator <<- can be used for assignment in parent environment. Which of the following is TRUE for the following code?

  1. A = B = C
  2. C > B > A
  3. C < B < A
x <- 0

f <- function(){
  x <<- x + 1

#1st execution
A = f()
#2nd execution
B = f()
#3rd execution
C = f()


<<- is known as super assignment operator. In contrast to the regular assignment operator <- which does the assignment in current environment, <<- does the assignment in parent environment. If in case it doesn’t find the variable, it will create the variable in global environment. See for example below:

I have defined a function f with a variable y in it to which I have assigned 1. If I try to access y outside function, I get the error, as y doesn’t exist in global environment. It only exists in f’s environment.

f <- function(){
  y <- 1
#function call
## Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'y' not found

But if I rewrite the above code using <<-, I don’t get any error. y is now defined in global environment.

f <- function(){
  y <<- 1
#function call
## [1] 1

So for the above question, option \(2.\) \(C>B>A\) is correct.

x <- 0

f <- function(){
  x <<- x + 1

#1st execution
A = f()
#2nd execution
B = f()
#3rd execution
C = f()

As C=3, B=2, A=1. At the first execution, f returns 1 and also updates x in global environment to 1. Similarly for the subsequent executions, x gets updated globally with an increment 1.

## [1] 1
## [1] 2
## [1] 3

In contrast, if I use <-, I would get A=B=C=1.

x <- 0

f <- function(){
  x <- x + 1

#1st execution
A = f()
#2nd execution
B = f()
#3rd execution
C = f()
## [1] 1
## [1] 1
## [1] 1

References: Advanced R by Hadley Wickham

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